Who you are

You are a company that has been approached by a potential buyer:

Information is vital in negotiations.  

Before you sit down at the negotiating table your management team needs to understand the motives behind the intended purchase, need to understand your industry, and needs to position your company to get the highest return possible.

Getting to know your potential buyer:

  • What industries do they compete in?
  • Who is the company owned by? Has there been a change in management?
  • What is their strategic positioning? Has their strategic positioning changed recently?
  • What are their Key Success Factors?

Getting to know your industry:

  • Is this industry growing or shrinking?
  • How are competitors in the industry behaving?
  • Has there been M&A activity in the industry?

You are a company that is interested in growing:

Before deciding on which strategy you want to pursue, research and information are imperative to ensure success.  Understanding your industry, your competitors, your external market conditions, and your adjacent industries will lead to more informed decision making.  

Inorganic Growth: Growth through acquisition

  • You are interested in analyzing the market to acquire a competitor or are looking for market research on related industries to diversify.
  • You have targeted companies to purchase and are looking for strategic information on which company to pursue.

Organic Growth: Growth through investment

  • You interested in increasing revenues and profits, while improving efficiency and creating synergies within your growing business.
  • You are looking to continue your growth trajectory and improve your existing business model.